Read and hear from Bhavna Ma’s clients feedback.

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Watch Our Client's Feedback
“When I started the Abundance class I was financially unstable. Every month after I started to see changes. For example, I received rental assistance for two months, free brand new beds and bedding, and acquaintances reconnecting to gift me money. My biggest breakthrough was after completing the abundance class, I got offered a full-time nanny position. I'm so happy and optimistic about the future! I highly recommend this class to anyone who has financial woes...”
"I saw my whole vibration shift. I am in a completely different space for the first time in my life. Like I feel like I can really allow abundance and wealth and every kind of prosperity into myself. And that I don't have to beg for love…and I don't have to shift myself to be anything else. I feel like I'm really in myself and in my power, and that abundance is coming towards me and that love is flowing through me, and that I can just go after my dreams and what my purpose that's really here on this earth…”
Our Google Reviews
Read more testimonials here...
Bhavna’s Retreat in India April 2023- My experience
I am so grateful that I came on this Spiritual Retreat with Bhavna Srivastava. I have taken several of her spiritual classes over the years and learned so much. On this trip she lead a small group of us to the Himalayan Mountains where many spiritual leaders have meditated, prayed and connected to God. I loved our first stop on to the Saturn Temple. Bhavna helped us to clear pain from mother earth and also toxic people in our lives. I immediately felt the release of negative energy in my body.
In Amritsir, which was a very ancient town, we released and let go of ego and Bhavna connected us with energies to move forward in our lives in a positive way. I immediately felt a shift inside me to think positively about my future, my family, and my life goals. Traumas in my life have thrown me off course many times and now I feel that my mind can remain positive no matter what life throws my way. I find that it is much easier to “let go” of everyday stresses and stay positive. I now have this new attitude that everyone works out for the best in the end because it is part of God’s divine plan for us. I guess what I am saying is that I trust in God completely now. I have always had a very strong faith in God my whole life, but after this retreat, it is an even stronger bond. If I have a problem now, I let go and “give it to God”. It is so comforting and positive to know that God loves me and my family and is here to help me on my journey.
In Rishikesh, we went to the prayer fire ceremony on the river. We all said our prayers for our families and removed curses from all my generations of my family. It was a very moving ceremony! I could feel the light of God upon me. I toke a selfie of Bhavna and I and it showed white light from above coming down on our heads! I could feel the powerful positive sacred energy of God in Rishikesh. People come from all over the world and from all religions to pray in this town in the Himalayan Mountains. It is also where Buddha prayed and Jesus. This is the town where Yoga started in ancient times. Many people come here to pray to God, meditate with God and find the answers to the meaning of life or to find their life purpose. I LOVED meditating with God on this mountain. I felt so connected to God and felt his love so deeply. It is a memory I will hold in my heart forever. We bathed our feet in the river to purify ourselves and to release and be healed from emotional and mental pain. I could feel
a big difference in my body after letting go of trauma and pain. I feel so much lighter, happier and more positive. Bhavna brought mountain energy into us to be strong and able to handle any problems that arise in our lives. She also brought in the river energy which helps us to flow through life without getting anxious about problems that come up. I will now be able to flow through life with a positive attitude knowing that I will be OK. The shift of letting go of past trauma in my life was a big shift for me. I didn’t realize I had been holding onto pain for many lifetimes and carrying this pain with me. Now that I have let go of this trauma, I feel sooo much lighter, better and more positive. Thanks to Bhavna, I feel like I can move forward with my life filled with love for my husband, my family and my life. Thank you so much Bhavna! May God bless you and your family!
Nancy J.
"I first heard about this 'Reiki' about 2 years ago but didn't know much about it, but the people who were telling me about it said it was an amazing experience..."
My daughter-in-law told me about Baavna when she lost her stepfather very tragically and shortly after that her grandfather. She was having a tough time dealing with so much loss in her life in a short span of time. Two people whom she loved so very much were suddenly taken away from her with no way to express her grief. I don't know how she heard about Bhavna but after seeing the change in her and the contenment and peace in her, I wanted to give this lady a try.
I was born with Primary Lymph Edma on my left side from the waist down (Secondary is caused by surgery or an accident). How this happened is still a medical mystery even today. My parents brought me to Boston's Children Hospital when I was 5 to see if something, anything could be done for me. My left leg was getting bigger and bigger as I grew. While waiting in the hall for the doctors to decide whether or not to 'cut' my leg to make it the same size as the other leg (I believe God sent an angel), a lady passing in the hall saw all of us waiting and said to my parents, "I can see by looking at your little girl why you're here. I have the same condition. Don't let them cut her leg, it will be the worst thing you can do. They did it to me and the leg just kept growing as I got older". I'm glad my parents took that leap of faith from that lady (angel!). It proved to be the right choice
As I grew my leg kept getting bigger but didn't hinder me until pregnancy weight caused major swelling and later as I aged the need for compression thigh-high stocking became neccessary. I couldn't go more than 48 hours without them. And after years of trying all sorts of 'things' on my own, on myself to 'fix' the problem NOTHING worked. My doctor said there was nothing that could be done either. I didn't give up. I kept pressing him and finally saw a specialist at the Lahey Clinic. They suggested massage therapy, not much result. I even tried acupuncture with some encouraging results. I initially lost 12#'s of fluid and 2" at the widest measurement on my upper thigh, which was 26"( compared to about 20" on the right leg). This to me was a miricale.
Then I heard about Bhavna from my daughter-in-law and had already seen the positive results in her, so I thought I'd give it a try.
I started seeing Bhavna in July 2012 and have seen and experienced some AMAZING results! I asked if she'd ever helped anyone like me and this physical problem and she hadn't. So as the process began, I asked how did she know what to do? A HIGHER power was instructing her!
And as of this writing Bhavna has helped me to like myself. The people in my life and family all see the 'spiritual' and physical changes in me. All for the better! There have been a few bumps along the road of this journey I've been taking. Bhavna has helped me loose over 30#'s, I was 154#s. I haven't seen this since my wedding 45 years ago! I'm now 66. In January of this year Bhavna said 'no more' compression stocking!, so 'I' took a leap of faith and got rid of them like she asked. And to date my upper left thigh is hovering between 19 & 20"s and almost matches my right leg! "Our", by that I mean Bhavna and my 'body's" goal is to get that number down to even closer to the right leg, which is now about 17"s. I know in my heart and with the gift that God has given Bhana to heal people, this WILL happen.
Keeping a positive outlook, I am so grateful and thankful for Bhavna being in my life and that she accepted this gift from God. I guess you could say I've been waiting for this day for over 66 years! I know her REWARD will be GREAT when she gets to heaven.
Most sincerely and with the deepest love and appreciation, you will always be in my prayers
"I would like to recommend an outstanding wellness professional: Bhavna of Bhavna's Wellness Group in Shrewsbury..."
It was my great fortune to become familiar with Bhavna's practice of Reiki Energy Healing this summer when I was hit with Bells Palsy. Several of my members recommended a visit to Bhavna and from the very first session it has had a remarkable impact on my recovery. Having very little knowledge and no experience with Reiki, I did not know what to expect but after a complete explanation from Bhavna, I felt comfortable to open myself to her incredible healing talent. My experience with Bhavna has changed my life in so many ways - all for the better. I would encourage anyone who needs help with healing, whether it be physical, emotional or simply the desire for a better life balance, to speak with Bhavna about how she can be of assistance."
BARBARA CLIFFORD PRESIDENT (Corridor Nine Chamber of Commerce)
"I’ve been the lucky recipient of Bhavna’s work off and on for more than 10 years, and I’m always impressed with the love she has for me and everyone. "
Her clearing and healing sessions are deeply helpful overall. Sometimes they are too subtle for me to notice, and other times I feel big shifts in my energy. I was living with chronic depression after my father and sister passed. But this year I started doing weekly group clearings and occasional one-on-one sessions with Bhavna. After a few months, I was surprised to notice the depression had lifted. I was happier and able to get more done. What a relief! Six months later, I’m still doing great and more positive changes are taking place. Bhavna is helping me with things that don’t serve me well, and I’m so glad to let them go. I just didn’t know how to do it myself.
"Bhavna is very dedicated to her spiritual mission and it shows in her work..."
I recently had a case of covid-19 with pneumonia which mainly had me struggling with breathing, bad coughing and in and out of hospital.
Bhavna was recommended by my relative and got in contact with me to give me some nutritional instructions and done some energetic healing work, although I am located overseas in the UK.
Within a few days; I started feeling better, my lungs didn't feel as heavy, began opening up and the coughing eased.
I am thankful for Bhavna's energetical work, I would recommend her to anybody.
S. Brooks
"First of all Bhavna is so calming easy to work with and man can she change the stories we repeat over and over..."
Just did a grounding exercise one( being a creative genius ) I sure need this. Making us more aware calm and clear and it sure worked! Then when she works on physical symptoms what a help from breaking my right shoulder big time to tummy discomfort! I strongly Recommend her for a variety of healing expert experiences.
SUSAN GUILD (Winchester Mass)
"Bhavna is like no other..."
She is God's child, unique in our world... her energy is endless and undying."
Rodney Luis
"I was referred to Bhavna’s Wellness Group by my sister..."
I was experiencing anxiety and stress and just going through the motions of life and not realizing it. I thought it was normal to feel this way. I found the sessions to b helpful. Bhavna has a way of healing you inside that you cannot explain. I feel calm and normal again. I don’t feel as uptight. It’s a great feeling!”
"I came in for a session with Bhavna last week, and we were talking a lot about positive body image and my struggle to lose weight..."
A lot focused around my perceived body image of myself, so she gave me a lot of tools to use in the last week, and in just a week I have lost 6 pounds/ I can see now, and i am rediscovering and relearning how much of the spiritual process, and spiritual development process is almost more important than the physical one, and how much of an effect it really has."
Lindsey M.
"I have been going to Bhavna for a couple of years now, and I have to say that she has helped me so much in so many ways..."
Last year when I had open heart surgery she helped me make it through with no complications remotely, for which I am grateful.
This year, a few months after my surgery, I began to have seizures, which could be a result of my surgery. Since I have seen Bhavna recently I have not had a seizure for almost nine weeks, and previous to that I was having them sporadically every couple of weeks. I encourage anyone that is experiencing any health problems and are not getting the results that you had hoped for, you should give Bhavna a try, I'm glad I did.
DEBBIE MCNALLY PAPPAS (Sep 3 at 8:44 pm - Leominister, MA)
"Bhavna has helped me overcome some of the hardest and biggest obstacles in my life..."
Her guidance and healing has made me a far better person today. She has helped me find the good in life again. I feel that you have helped me so much in finding answers to so many questions, I am so blessed to have found this outlet. It is great for your mind, body and soul. Thank you Bhavna, I am truly grateful for your guidance.
"I went to Bhavna and learned that I was storing my negative emotions in my body..."
I have had constipation my entire life. I went to Bhavna and learned that I was storing my negative emotions in my body. After I went to a session with her I finally released those emotions and now I have proper evacuation for the first time in my life. THANK YOU Bhavna. You are a miracle worker! I highly recommend you to everyone!
"Professional, Caring, Compassionate, Patient, Listens, Explains Well, Loves her Reiki, Understanding, Trusting, It's a Calling, Can Open yourself to her, Vocation, Is Positive, Gives you Hope."
Bhavna is professional, knowledgeable, caring, and compassionate. She not only listens to her clients, but hears what they say and treats them accordingly. You can tell she has been called to Reiki by the manner in how she treats you in such a caring manner'.
"Bhavna has been working with my 8 year old autistic son with very noticeable results..."
Cameron is more relaxed and cooperative both at home and in school. He is verbalizing more than ever and his tolerance for different kinds of food has increased. It's been an amazing few months for us!
"Yesterday, I felt so great after the Reiki session, and I felt your healing power going through me as you were doing the session..."
Thank you! I am happy and grateful to join your practice as a Spanish & Portuguese Reiki healer. My goal is to grow together and heal as many people as possible that come to us for healing and happiness."
CARMEN (On Facebook)
"Bhavna is amazing!"
If you are interested in Reiki, she is amazing! She made my back pain disappear!
DAWN (On Facebook)
"Bhavna is professional, knowledgeable, caring and compassionate."
She not only listens to her clients, but hears what they say and treats them accordingly. You can tell she has been called to do Reiki which shows in her manner as she treats everyone very caringly.
"I believe that Bhavna must be a miracle worker..."
Bhavna has helped to heal my entire family. Before my husband and I started seeing Bhavna, I was close to losing my job, my daughter and son had some very serious digestive issues and my husband had some permanent nerve damage to one of his legs. Understandably, we were very stressed and anxious. I went to see a few mental health providers, but I did not find any relief. After a few visits with Bhavna I noticed that things at work started to get better and my level of stress started to decrease. Within a few weeks of seeing Bhavna my children's digestive issues had greatly improved and my husband was able to walk without limping for the first time in 5 years! Bhavna also sent reiki to my job and it became stable. I was so excited about the outcome that I learned reiki from Bhavna. She is an excellent teacher who ensures that each student completely understands her teaching. In addition, she was always available whenever I had a question or needed support. After all of the positive changes, I believe that Bhavna must be a miracle worker. I would (and have) recommend her to everyone I know.
"The retreat was very powerful and enlightening..."
I learn so much about my soul purpose. I even learned about the Atlantian civilization, and my personal connection with them. I will be attending the next retreat. Thank you Bhavna!
Atlantis Retreat (Aug 2020)
"It was one of the best experiences of my life!"
Hello Bhavna! I wanted to thank you for an amazing experience with the spring retreat I attended. It was one of the best experiences of my life! Afterwards I felt refreshed and focused. During the meditation I felt as though I was out of body. Even though my eyes were closed I felt I could see the light and room clearly. There were a couple of times I opened my eyes because I couldn't believe what I was experiencing.
Also I had a knee injury when I attended. It was bothering me. After the retreat, the next day I noticed my knee injury seemed mild and by the very next day my symptoms were gone. I had difficulties bending, kneeling, and pain. My knee seems pretty much back to normal except I can't put full weight on it yet. It seems as though I need to re-train my body and mind to use that knee again.
Overall, I have never thought meditation could heal and balance who I am. I was open to the whole experience. I'm glad that I went. It was so amazing! Thank you! I look forward to more of your classes and 1:1.
I'm blessed to be a part of your wonderful wellness group.
Love Bhavna ♥
Hi Bhavana kl Mene Vibration against Covid-19 Dekha aur us Vibration Ka Pura Effect Mene upne puree body Mai mhsus Kiya you are Grate God bless you.
MANJU KULSHRESTHA (Raising Vibration)
“Since I’ve been back from Peru I have noticed that a variety of my ailments and diseases are gone, including my celiac disease.”
"Bhavna , I can't thank you and Nancy enough for showing me a better, healthier way of eating (and living!). I feel amazing and so far have lost 20 lbs in 2 months. Still more to go, but I know that I'll get there as a result of the knowledge and tools I now have thanks to you both!"
" In our lives, we experience defining moments and experiences that shape our paths moving forward..."
Traveling to Egypt with Bhavna was indeed one of those experiences. We immersed ourselves in ancient history by visiting pyramids, temples, tombs and other sacred places. Bhavna used her unique gifts to connect us to the energies of these places and to help each of us to expand and interpret our own unique spiritual gifts. She guided us to connect us to past lives, to reconnect to parts of our souls and to more deeply understand ourselves and our soul purposes. I have been forever changed by this journey and continue to experience positive shifts in my life on all levels since returning home two weeks ago.
"Bhavna's Spiritual Retreat to India was so amazing, incredible words honestly can't even describe..."
However I felt the complete opposite before! Bhavana first let me know about the trip to India in November. Who wouldn't want to go away on a beautiful trip? I told myself I couldn't afford it, I didn't have anyone to watch my kids, I have never been out the country.
[read more] You name it I came up with a reason not to go. However I knew deep down inside that I had to go and do this for myself. She spoke to me about the trip in December and January I was still not thinking I would go. The trip was set off to leave Feb 16th. I didn't get my tickets, passport or visa complete until the week before I was that set on not going. Something told me to still go and take the steps. I could always back out and just not go....right? Feb 16th I meet Bhavna and one other at the airport shaking like a leaf so nervous on scared. It wasn't until halfway during the 12 hour flight that I accepted I am going and now I can not turn around. Let me tell you I will never say no to myself like that again!
Bhavna had so many ancient, amazing places to go visit throughout India it is honestly out of this world. We had multiple cave adventurers, temple visits, ceremonies. There was so much to learn, see and do. Everyday was incredibly exciting and beautiful. Bhavna's spiritual work is already very powerful and life changing so the healing and workshops were even more amplified there. To be able to be in ancient, sacred time and space receiving the energies of these and restore parts of you, healing at the soul level and working with Bhavana is something I feel very honored and blessed to have participated in. I am now able to feel more calm, peace, joy and love in my life. I am able to navigate me feeling confident, worthy and able to have a beautiful happy life with myself and relationships with others. Coming back from this trip even all my friends and family have noticed and incredible positive shift within me. I have shifted in beautiful ways and feel a change within myself that again I am very honored and thankful to have been able to do this for myself.
India was amazing. The airport was beautiful. The hotel was incredible. The hospitality was out of this world. Everything was just simply amazing. Bhavna's and her family were so welcoming I honestly didn't have a care in the world. I was asking myself how have I not been to India yet?! The tours, and tour-guides were all amazing. Besides intense soul healing, workshops, and shifting there was so much fun to be had. The food was out of this world (so was the coffee). There is so much nature and beautiful mountains, caves, flowers, trees, animals it's amazing. The shopping was so much fun and exciting. The spa was again out this world. I was living my best life everyday! I did not even want to think about coming home but how do I move here! On the way to India I was crying because I was so scared, coming back I was crying because I did not want to leave! India now is in my heart and I can say with full confidence I am going with Bhavana for every spiritual retreat! I would not want to miss out on such a golden treat to do and have for yourself. I highly recommend going and just go! Experience soul healing in stunning places in a safe sacred environment is a blessing and experience everyone should have!
Abundance Class Testimony
I'm so happy and optimistic about the future!
When I started the Abundance class I was financially unstable. Every month after I started to see changes. For example, I received rental assistance for two months, free brand new beds and bedding, and acquaintances reconnecting to gift me money. My biggest breakthrough was after completing the abundance class, I got offered a full-time nanny position. I highly recommend this class to anyone who has financial woes.
Advanced Class
"Bhavna, I have learned so much in the Advanced Class. I grew in my spirituality and belief in myself..."
Through your deep meditations I felt destressed and relaxed. I have always been a deeply spiritual person but through this course I grew so much and was able to feel God's Presence. I feel so much better equipped to handle the stresses of life and to help others. I am so glad I took this course and I look forward to taking classes again with you. I would highly recommend Advanced reiki for anyone looking to improve their life and the life of their loved ones, as well as Reiki Clients. Through your attunements I was able to break negative thought patterns that made me ill. I am no longer stuck repeating my negative thoughts. I am now filled with positive energy and I will achieve all my personal and business goals
A Magical Healing: 3 Sisters and A Reiki Master
Her tag line is “Healing to the Core.” How stressful could that be?
I met Bhavna at our She Did It Event in Boston at Babson College 3 years ago.
I knew she had something special to offer then. She greeted me before I spoke to the 200 women in the Great Hall and asked if there was anything I needed.
[read more]“No, I’m fine, but my shoes are killing me and my big toe is aching.” I knew she was a Reiki healer but I wasn’t expecting to get an adjustment.
She knelt down and cupped her hands over my foot. The room was swarming with our attendees yet at that moment, all was quiet — just for a second. She rose, smiled at me and that was it.
My toe was suddenly calm, no throb, no ache… just a quiet addendum to my foot.
I knew I would see her again.
Three years later, a friend was hosting Bhavna for 2-days at her home on Martha’s Vineyard. She was “booking” sessions for her and I scheduled an hour session 2 weeks ahead.
And then I forgot about it.
I stood ritualistically on a Friday afternoon at Morning Glory Farm waiting for a Blueberry pie. We had all of my husband’s family coming and I wanted to make sure we had pie that night.
“The pies will be out at noon,” said the manager.
It was noon already, but this was Martha’s Vineyard in August and I knew the pies would be arriving eventually.
“Ok. Then, I’ll wait.”
It was 12:20 and still no pie.
My phone buzzed and I got a jolt when I saw my friend’s name come up.
I knew instantly that I had forgotten my noon Reiki appointment. I had totally spaced it out.
“I’m so sorry, Nancy. I forgot,” is how I answered.
“Well can you come now?”
“I’m waiting for pie, my sister-in-laws arrived an hour ago and they are at the house. I screwed up, I’m so sorry. I am happy to pay for the session but I truly can’t get there.”
“Just come for half an hour on your way home,” she urged.
I must have really wanted to go to that healer because I abandoned the pie – and drove straight over with my groceries.
Bhavna was waiting for me on the front steps of Nancy’s home.
I got my session. What happened in those 40 minutes was magical. So, magical, that when I arrived home, to my awaiting sisters-in-law, with my groceries, and shared my story, they wanted to see her too.
I called over immediately and Bhavna delayed her boat off the island to accommodate them.
Two hours later, 3 sisters sat on a sandy spit, staring out at the harbor and shared their experiences with that “energy healer.”
Sister 1: “She touched me a lot.”
Sister 2: “She didn’t touch me at all.”
Sister 3: “She put a crystal on my forehead, one in each hand and when she put one on my belly I thought I would sink through the table.”
Sister 2: “She told me to go to the beach and yell – and keep yelling to empty the anger out. And then she said to come back and she would work on me . She wouldn’t touch me until I did that.”
Sister 1: “She told me I was very, very strong. That I was very, very tight in my shoulders. That I needed to move closer to my kids and feed them.”
Sister 3: “She dangled a strand of crystals over my heart and told me that the energy around my heart was moving in the opposite direction. She said ‘closed’ as the crystal dangled above my head, ‘closed’ over my throat. She said she would spend the next 40 minutes clearing out my old energy and bringing in the new.”
Sister 2: “Your father is saying he is so sorry that he had to leave this world and not be with you.”
Sister 1: “She said that my mom just spoke to her and that she wants to be part of the family again. She said that she will return as my great granddaughter and I will know her – I will be very old but I will know her.”
Sister 3: “She said that my husband is with me now – that he wants me to tell you he is watching over the boys, that he spoke to me – he wants you to know – you should not worry about the boys.”
We 3 sisters shared and shared and each of us were somewhat incredulous, definitely awed but mostly calmer and clearer from the experience.
Sister 3 asked: “Did you feel this was ridiculous in any way?”
Sister 2: “No, no I didn’t question it.”
Sister 1: “I felt light. My eyes are twinkling. I feel better. I don’t feel as anxious about my kids right now.”
Sister 3: “When I went in I was afraid my heart palpitations would run wild. As I lay there she moved her hands over me without touching me – she told me she was clearing the the energy out that wasn’t serving me. Then she touched me – she placed her hands on my face and kept them there. They were warm, very warm. She laughed and told me she was “stuck” on my face – that I was receiving her energy and she needed to stay attached for a little while. I’m not sure how much time passed but we talked with her hands cupped on my cheeks and I felt so calm – my pounding heart had quieted.
It all felt so right.
I felt calm and peaceful and light. I felt even.”
As the weekend played out — we 3 sisters moved easily together — cooking, walking, cleaning, swimming and of course talking.
Our joint experience carried us through 2 days of togetherness and when we said goodbye on Sunday, we hugged one another knowing it was our best visit ever.
FELICE SHAPIRO (August 18, 2015)
"Her healing sessions, teaching and guided meditation are all very powerful."
Words cannot convey the gratitude, love and respect I have for Bhavna. Her healing sessions, teaching and guided meditation are all very powerful. I have experienced noticeable large energetic shifts and my life is changing for the better.
" I would recommend her to anybody who has stress in their life and needs healing."
Bhavna is fantastic and provides really great energy! Her space is clean, calm, relaxing, and welcoming. I would recommend her to anybody who has stress in their life and needs healing.
"She is blessed by the universe and in return people like us receive the benefits..."
Really inspiring, I must say her energy is awesome. I had consulted mam for my personal issue after meeting her my life changed and yes she has the magic in her. she is blessed by the universe and in return people like us receive the benefits
Really inspiring, I must say her energy is awesome. I had consulted mam for my personal issue after meeting her my life changed and yes she has the magic in her. she is blessed by the universe and in return people like us receive the benefits
"I went to see Bhavna the morning she received the Alpha Healing transmission..."
I had excruciating pain in my face radiating across my cheek. I went to see Bhavna the morning she received the Alpha Healing transmission. I left her 15 minute session / 1 Hour sleep pain free and healed!
" I recommend their reiki treatment to anyone interested in alternative healing as their reiki treatment relieved my back pain quite well..."
I recently had a reiki treatment in Shrewsbury, MA at Bhavna's Wellness Group for back pain and stress relief. I recommend their reiki treatment to anyone interested in alternative healing as their reiki treatment relieved my back pain quite well. The inviting, relaxing atmosphere of the office is only 5 minutes from Worcester on Route 9. Highly recommended
"Excellent ambient. Meditations are great!! Best wellness center in Massachusetts!!!"
"I went to see Bhavna the morning she received the Alpha Healing transmission."