Join us for a transformative 7-day retreat in Utah, where you will reconnect with nature and strengthen your first chakra. Enjoy hiking in national parks, healing sessions, and workshops focused on growth and self-discovery. Explore Sun and Moon temples, Canyon Park, and the Bonneville Salt Flats. Reserve your spot today for an unforgettable journey of healing and connection. 

What To Expect

  • Healing Sessions: Personalized sessions to help you feel balanced and rejuvenated.
  • Growth Workshops: Interactive workshops focused on self-discovery and personal growth.
  • Hiking Adventures: Guided hikes through Utah’s beautiful national parks.
  • Explore Sacred Sites: Visit the Sun and Moon temples, Canyon Park, and the Bonneville Salt Flats for meditation and reflection.


  • Nature Connection: Immerse yourself in Utah’s serene and powerful landscapes.

  • Grounding Practices: Strengthen your first chakra with grounding techniques and practices.

  • Expert Guidance: Learn from experienced facilitators dedicated to your healing and growth.

Reserve Your Spot Today!

Spaces are limited to keep the experience intimate and personalized. Don’t miss out on this transformative journey.

Why choose use?

Our retreat offers a holistic healing experience that combines physical activities, spiritual practices, and growth workshops to rejuvenate your mind, body, and spirit. You’ll have the opportunity to immerse yourself in the beauty and energy of Utah’s iconic sites, providing a stunning backdrop for your journey.


Take advantage of our early bird special for only $5500.

For more information and to book, contact us at +1-774-242-2112 or bhavnasrivastava@bhwellnessgroup.com

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